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Wellington Metro Rail Upgrades Get $137m Boost

Wellington Metro Rail Upgrades Get $137m Boost

Transport Minister Simeon Brown announces funding for substation upgrades.

The New Zealand Government has allocated $137.2 million to upgrade substations on Wellington's metro rail network, aimed at improving service reliability and capacity. Transport Minister Simeon Brown says the investment is crucial in supporting economic growth and enabling commuters to travel quickly and safely.

Some of Wellington's existing substations date back between 60 to 90 years and are due for repair or replacement. The upgrades will provide enough electricity supply to power new trains and enable additional timetables on existing lines. This project is part of the Lower North Island Rail Integrated Mobility (LNIRIM) initiative, a major public transport project prioritized by the Government.

The substation upgrades will complement other investments announced in Budget 2024 to upgrade critical infrastructure across Wellington's metro rail network. These projects focus on improving service reliability, a key factor in encouraging commuters to choose public transport as an option and reducing congestion on roads. The Government aims to deliver reliable, effective, and efficient public transport by targeting investment towards these essential upgrades.