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Tongariro Pou Whenua Unveiled

Tongariro Pou Whenua Unveiled

A new cultural landmark.

The Conservation Minister, Tama Potaka, attended a blessing for a specially carved Pou Whenua at Mangatepopo, the start of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing track. This is part of efforts to introduce visitors to the sacred landscape they are entering. The Pou represents Te Ririo, a significant figure in the histories of Ngāti Hikairo ki Tongariro hapū.

The installation focuses on cultural understanding and safety, reflecting the mana of Tongariro mountain. A corresponding Pou will be added at the Ketetahi track end in coming months, expressing other stories significant to local iwi. The move is part of ongoing efforts to promote respect for the land along this popular trail.

Tongariro National Park holds dual World Heritage status for its cultural and natural heritage values, making it one of only 29 sites worldwide with such recognition. Mr Potaka believes this unique opportunity allows visitors to experience an important, culturally significant place. The new installations build on visitor management improvements introduced in 2023, including a free booking system for walkers.