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Social Investment Board Takes Shape

Social Investment Board Takes Shape

Notable Kiwis appointed to board.

The Social Investment Board, tasked with advising on the implementation of the social investment approach across the public sector, has been officially established with a diverse group of 9 appointees.

Dr Graham Scott has been named as chair of the board. A seasoned public servant, Dr Scott brings extensive experience in senior roles and is well-versed in social investment thinking. The board also includes prominent Kiwis from various backgrounds, including Laura Black (CEO of Methodist Mission Southern), Hon Te Ururoa Flavell (former Minister for Māori Development), Helen Leahy (Chief Executive of Ngā Waihua o Paerangi) and Katie Murray (Chair of Te Runanga o Te Rarawa).

The board's diverse range of perspectives and expertise has been praised by Social Investment Minister Nicola Willis, who believes it will challenge the status quo in public agencies delivering social services. The group is tasked with driving significant change through early intervention, empowering NGOs to innovate, and making better use of data to target improved outcomes for vulnerable people.

The board's work will focus on implementing the social investment approach across the public sector and advising on the work of the Social Investment Agency.