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Smoking Numbers Rise Under Costello

Smoking Numbers Rise Under Costello's Watch

According to the latest NZ Health Survey, smoking rates have increased in New Zealand with 16,000 more daily smokers since last year.

The Labour Party has accused National's Associate Minister of Health, Casey Costello, of failing to deliver on her promise to lower smoking rates. The number of daily smokers has risen from 284,000 to 300,000, reversing a decade-long decline in adult smoking rates. This increase is attributed to the repeal of Labour's smokefree legislation by the National Government.

Labour Leader Chris Hipkins criticized the decision, stating that it was made to benefit tobacco companies and retailers rather than protect New Zealanders' health. The Government's focus on tax cuts instead of health policies has been heavily criticized, particularly given smoking's role as New Zealand's leading cause of premature death. Hipkins also pointed out a recent $216 million tax break awarded to Philip Morris, which will likely have no impact on smoking rates.

The Labour Party argues that the Government should have maintained the smokefree legislation and worked towards creating a smokefree generation. With the latest statistics indicating an increase in smoking rates under Costello's watch, questions are being raised about her effectiveness as Associate Minister of Health.