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Safety Screens for Auckland Bus Drivers

Safety Screens for Auckland Bus Drivers

Bus driver protection measures announced for Auckland buses.

Auckland's bus fleet is set to get a safety boost with the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) announcing plans to install driver protection screens across 80 percent of the city's buses by 2026. The move follows Budget 2024 funding allocation of $15 million to improve working environments for bus drivers.

According to Transport Minister Simeon Brown, the government is committed to keeping bus drivers safe while on the job. Bus drivers often work with little separation from passengers, and the new safety screens will provide protection. In addition to the screens, NZTA is also considering funding for driver toilet facilities and an on-board live CCTV trial.

The initiatives aim to enhance safety and ensure smooth operation of public transport services in Auckland. The roll-out of safety measures is expected to be completed by 2026, with results of the CCTV trial informing future CCTV camera installations.