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SH1B Telephone Road Reopens Next Year

SH1B Telephone Road Reopens Next Year

Major upgrade works planned for Waikato highway.

Transport Minister Simeon Brown has announced that State Highway 1B (SH1B) Telephone Road in Waikato will reopen in the first half of 2025, following an agreement between KiwiRail and the NZ Transport Agency on a package of improvements to enable safe coexistence of road and rail traffic. The road has been closed since April 2022 due to repeated damage from low vehicles.

The proposed upgrades include raising the road level by up to 410mm over a distance of 90 metres, constructing new escape lanes, and improving signage and road markings. Escape lanes will be built on either side of Telephone Road near Holland Road to prevent longer vehicles from blocking the rail line while waiting to turn into Holland Road.

NZTA expects to select a contractor for the works by January 2025, with construction expected to be completed before mid-2025. The reopening of SH1B Telephone Road is seen as a major milestone in improving safety and efficiency for locals and freight transport in the area.