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PM Faces Backlash Over Treaty Bill

PM Faces Backlash Over Treaty Bill

The Prime Minister is under pressure from senior lawyers and the Green Party over a contentious bill.

A group of King's Counsel has called on Prime Minister Christopher Luxon to abandon the Treaty Principles Bill, citing concerns it will damage Aotearoa. The Green Party's spokesperson for Justice, Tamatha Paul, says Te Tiriti is the foundation of New Zealand's relationship with Māori and that the bill threatens this.

Paul claims thousands across the country are strongly opposed to the bill, with many taking part in a hīkoi descending on Parliament. Senior lawyers have publicly condemned the bill, warning it will cause lasting harm to the nation. The Prime Minister was previously quoted as saying Te Tiriti is essential for Aotearoa's future, but the Green Party argues his words are being undermined by allowing the bill to progress.

The Green Party demands the Prime Minister uphold the dignity and meaning of Te Tiriti by abandoning the bill. They also call for a conscience vote in Parliament on the issue. Tamatha Paul says it is time for individual Members of Parliament to take responsibility for their decision on the bill's fate.