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New Track Joins Great Walks Lineup

New Track Joins Great Walks Lineup

Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track upgraded for visitors.

The Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track has become New Zealand's 11th Great Walk, following a $7.9 million upgrade. The 60km track is located in Te Wāhipounamu, South Island, and features diverse landscapes including beaches, native forest, and an alpine section. Conservation Minister Tama Potaka attended the opening ceremony with local community members and tangata whenua from Ngāi Tahu.

The upgraded track provides opportunities for spotting Hector dolphins and viewing the Aurora Australis. New installations on the trail will share stories of cultural and historical significance, including those of tangata whenua and forestry heritage. The upgrade is expected to bring a 10 percent increase in visitor numbers and revenue to local businesses over the next few years. Inclines have been eased, new boardwalks installed, and a new swing bridge added.

The track's Great Walk status will make it more appealing to both New Zealanders and international visitors. The upgraded track is also expected to help return visitor numbers to pre-pandemic levels, providing employment opportunities and revenue for local communities. A new Waharoa (gateway) now stands at the entrance of the track, welcoming visitors.