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New Appointments to High Court

New Appointments to High Court

Six experts named to Commerce Act roles.

Attorney-General Judith Collins has announced the appointment of six lay members to assist in cases involving appeals from decisions of the Commerce Commission under the Commerce Act 1986.

The new appointees, announced on December 13, have extensive backgrounds in economics and finance. They will play a key role in ensuring expert evidence on complex competition or regulation issues is properly understood, tested, and assessed by the Court.

Professor Martin Richardson, Emeritus Professor of Economics at the Australian National University, has previously taught at Georgetown University and the University of Otago. Dr Darryn Abraham, former director of economics consulting firm Acacia CRE Pty Ltd, was a lay member of the New Zealand High Court from 2017 to 2022.

The other appointees include Dr Richard Meade, Principal Economist at economic consultancy firm Cognitus Advisory Services Ltd; Philip Barry, co-founder and director of TDB Advisory Ltd; Edward Willett, an economic consultant with experience in competition policy and regulation; and Professor Hendrik Berkman, Professor of Finance at the University of Auckland.