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Network Upgrades to Boost Rail Capacity

Network Upgrades to Boost Rail Capacity

The New Zealand Government is investing over $200 million to upgrade Auckland's rail network before the City Rail Link opens.

Transport Minister Simeon Brown and Acting Auckland Mayor Desley Simpson confirmed a programme of upgrades aimed at doubling Auckland's rail capacity. The work includes replacing aging track foundations, improving drainage and culverts, and upgrading critical track infrastructure. KiwiRail will undertake these works over the next year, with up to 96 days of full network closure between this Christmas period and January 2026.

The Government is funding the project in full, prioritising weekday peak services during closures to minimize disruptions for commuters. Auckland Transport and KiwiRail have worked together to develop a plan to manage network-wide closures, extending existing closures over public holiday periods.

The upgrade will remove temporary speed restrictions from the network, delivering increased reliability and enabling more frequent and faster trains when the CRL opens. Acting Mayor Desley Simpson expressed gratitude for the additional financial support, saying it is critical that Aucklanders get the maximum value out of City Rail Link from opening day.

Transport Minister Simeon Brown emphasized the importance of completing the upgrade works ahead of the City Rail Link opening to ensure Aucklanders can benefit from increased train services and improved reliability.