The Green Party attacks Prime Minister Christopher Luxon over climate inaction.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has been heavily criticized by the Green Party for his handling of climate change, particularly in the agricultural sector. According to Steve Abel, the Green Party Spokesperson for Agriculture, agriculture is Aotearoa's biggest emitting sector, responsible for more than half of the country's emissions. This is largely due to dairy farming, which accounts for over 50% of agriculture's emissions.
Mr. Luxon has been accused of doing little to address these issues, despite claims that his government is "doing everything we can" on climate change. The Green Party points out that removing the agricultural sector from the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) until 2030 has hindered critical action. Additionally, the government's decision to weaken Fresh-Water protections has allowed dairy cow stocking rates and fertilizer use to continue unchecked, resulting in increased emissions and contaminated drinking water.
The latest Emissions Reduction Plan reveals that agriculture accounts for 53% of emissions, with electricity generation accounting for just 3.5%. The Green Party believes that the government needs to make bold reforms to address climate change, particularly in the agricultural sector.