Community projects receive significant funding boost.
Lotto New Zealand has distributed a record $434 million to community organisations in the past financial year, marking a 15 percent increase from the previous year's total. The funds were granted through the Lottery Grants Board, which allocates profits from Lotto NZ.
According to Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden, the increased funding will support various social, recreational, and cultural activities for New Zealanders. A total of 3,171 community organisations received grants, including Big Buddy Mentoring Trust, Youthline, and local sports clubs.
The grants system has been praised for delivering significant benefits to communities, with a focus on demonstrating clear positive results from the funding. Minister van Velden has also acknowledged the need to identify efficiencies in the system to maximise value from lottery grants.
Notably, despite an increase in Lotto sales, data from the Ministry of Health shows no rise in reported gambling harm from Lotto products. In addition to community grants, Lotto NZ contributed $200 million in taxes, duties, and levies during this period.