The Green Party's new Emissions Reduction Plan aims to cut pollution.
The Green Party of Aotearoa has launched its ambitious plan, He Ara Anamata, which outlines a vision for a more sustainable future. Co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick emphasized that the plan puts people and planet first, grounded in Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles. The plan seeks to reduce carbon emissions by more than five times the government's draft Emissions Reduction Plan by 2030.
According to Swarbrick, the current economic system is unsustainable and responsible for climate change. She criticized the National Party's proposed plan, which relies on market mechanisms that would disproportionately affect low-income New Zealanders. In contrast, He Ara Anamata promotes a Green Jobs Guarantee, efficient public transport, sustainable food production, and renewable energy.
The plan aims to not only reduce carbon emissions but also improve quality of life by reducing the cost of living. Swarbrick emphasized that a better world is possible through collective action and community-led initiatives.