The Green Party vows to take action.
The Green Party has warned companies that a future Green Government will revoke their consent if they override environmental protections under Fast-Track legislation passed today. According to Green Party Spokesperson for the Environment, Lan Pham, consents granted under this regime "shortcut our democracy" and "degrade te taiao." This legislation allows private interests to develop sensitive areas without proper checks and balances.
Pham claims numerous democratic and environmental red flags have been ignored, and companies have failed to disclose their track record of compliance or enforcement actions against them. Despite some having a concerning history of environmental damage, the Government has given these companies the green light for development. A Green Government would prioritize people and planet over profit and revoke consents that exploit the environment.
This move comes as Cabinet approves several projects deemed to have significant national or regional benefits, despite a lack of transparency in application processes. The Green Party is adamant that their future government will hold these companies accountable for their actions and work towards more sustainable development practices.