The Green Party calls for action against multi-national Methanex.
Methanex, the largest user of Aotearoa's gas supplies, has been accused by the Green Party of enjoying a free ride at the expense of communities and energy security. The party's Energy spokesperson Scott Willis claims that the company uses 30-45 per cent of annual gas production to make methanol, receiving significant subsidies from the government in the form of Emissions Trading Scheme credits.
According to reports, these subsidies could be worth up to $301 million. Methanex has no accountability to the public for this allocation. The Green Party supports calls from CICTAR, 350 and Common Grace Aotearoa to prioritise remaining gas supply for energy security, arguing that freeing up gas from Methanex would alleviate the need for further discoveries or imports.
Scott Willis highlighted the impact of gas price spikes on households and manufacturing jobs, stating that with existing reserves, there would be no need to import LNG. The party believes that ending subsidies to Methanex would facilitate a smoother transition to full renewables.