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Govt Shuns Accountability for Rate Hikes

Govt Shuns Accountability for Rate Hikes

The Labour Party criticises the Government's handling of rate hikes across New Zealand.

Labour's local government spokesperson, Kieran McAnulty, accused the Government of pushing responsibility back on councils due to its lack of action to address skyrocketing rates. The Government recently announced a plan that allegedly fails to help councils manage their finances and keep rates low. McAnulty pointed out that Minister Simeon Brown was involved in cancelling the Affordable Water Reforms, which could have helped prevent rate increases.

According to McAnulty, the Government's dismissal of recommendations from a review into the future of local government further highlights its failure to address the issue at hand. "They're keeping their own noses clean, rather than finding a way to bring down costs for ratepayers," he said. The Labour Party believes that the Government is shifting blame onto councils instead of taking responsibility for its own actions.

The Labour spokesperson also directly linked Minister Simeon Brown to the surprise rate hikes, saying "Every time people get a surprise in their rates bill, look at Simeon Brown because it's his doing."