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Government Slams Support Staff with 0% Pay Rise

Government Slams Support Staff with 0% Pay Rise

The latest collective agreement offer from the Government has left support staff across Aotearoa reeling.

Support staff have been dealt a devastating blow with the proposed settlement offering a 0% pay increase to the vast majority of staff, while others are capped at a meagre 1.25% raise over three years. The Ministry of Education suggests that aides should view their annual salary progression steps as their 'pay rise', which would amount to no real increase for most.

Critics argue that this offer is a slap in the face to essential support staff who keep schools running, and reflects a lack of care and consideration from the Government. According to Dr Lawrence Xu-Nan, Green Party's Education Spokesperson, "This approach will come at a serious expense to our communities... The government must put words into action and invest in the future of tamariki in Aotearoa by respecting and properly compensating the staff who support them."