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Government Reviews Methane Emissions Targets

Government Reviews Methane Emissions Targets

Independent scientific review on biogenic methane science and targets released.

The New Zealand Government has announced it will carefully consider the findings of an independent review on the country's biogenic methane science and targets. The review, led by a panel of highly regarded scientists, provides evidence-based advice on what target would ensure no additional warming by 2050.

According to the report, if global emissions rapidly decrease in line with the Paris goal, reducing New Zealand's biogenic methane emissions by 24% by 2050 would meet the goal. However, if this does not happen, a reduction of around 14-15% is recommended.

Climate Change Minister Simon Watts stated that the Government will consider the report alongside advice from the Climate Change Commission to confirm a target in the new year. Agriculture and Forestry Minister Todd McClay emphasized the need for scientifically based targets that do not shut down Kiwi farms.

The review's findings have sparked renewed focus on the use of technology to reduce on-farm emissions, with the Government investing over $400 million to accelerate innovation and uptake. Associate Ministers Andrew Hoggard and Mark Patterson reiterated the importance of working with farmers to meet international obligations through science-based solutions.

A copy of the independent panel's report is available online for further review. The Government will now take time to consider the findings before confirming a new target in the coming year.