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Government Milestone for Iwi Māori Partnership Boards

Government Milestone for Iwi Māori Partnership Boards

Milestone reached in implementing health plans for Māori communities.

Health Minister Dr Shane Reti has received 15 community health plans from Iwi Māori Partnership Boards (IMPBs), marking a significant step towards implementing his vision for improving Māori health.

The IMPBs have developed plans outlining the health and wellbeing needs of their respective communities, which will inform key Government targets. These localised plans focus on specific priorities such as access to oral health care, suicide prevention, and growing the Māori health workforce.

Dr Reti says receiving these plans is a major milestone in ensuring that health services identify and address the actual needs and priorities of Māori communities. The plans will guide efforts to reduce health inequities and improve hauora Māori (Māori wellbeing).

The Ministry of Health, Health New Zealand, and IMPBs will now work together to finalise the plans, support the boards, and begin implementation over the next three to five years. Funding from this year's budget increase of $40 million per annum through Health NZ will contribute to addressing hauora Māori provider inflation pressures.

Once finalized, the Community Health Plans will be published on the IMPB and Health New Zealand websites.