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Government Cracks Down on Youth Offending

Government Cracks Down on Youth Offending

Tough new measures aim to curb repeat offenders.

A bill aimed at combating serious youth offending has been introduced to Parliament, reaffirming the Government's commitment to tackling the issue. The Oranga Tamariki (Responding to Serious Youth Offending) Bill proposes significant changes to provide a faster and stronger response to young people who repeatedly commit serious offences.

Key features of the Bill include the introduction of a Young Serious Offender declaration, which will grant enhanced powers to the Youth Court and New Zealand Police. A Military-Style Academy order will also be implemented, allowing young offenders to participate in a residential program for between three to 12 months. This initiative builds on the success of a pilot project, where participants reportedly gained employment and mentorship upon completion.

The Government aims to prevent these young individuals from entering the adult justice system and becoming persistent adult offenders. The bill will be considered by the Social Services and Community Committee before further action is taken.