New Zealanders denied say in reinstatement.
The New Zealand Labour Party has accused the government of avoiding public consultation on live cattle exports by sea. According to Labour's animal welfare spokesperson Rachel Boyack, a targeted consultation with industry stakeholders will not reflect the views of over 57,000 people who signed a petition against the practice.
The majority of Kiwis want to maintain the ban on live exports, which was introduced by the Labour Party. However, the government is pushing forward with reinstatement plans despite this overwhelming public feedback. Boyack claims that other countries such as Australia and the UK have followed New Zealand's lead in banning live exports, making it a step backwards.
The primary sector export industry generates $55 billion annually, with live exports by sea accounting for just 0.32 percent of revenue. Labour has pledged to reinstate a ban on live cattle exports by sea when re-elected, urging the National Party to rule out the practice now.