New Zealand's food and fibre exports forecasted to reach $56.9 billion by June 2025.
New Zealand's Agriculture and Forestry Minister Todd McClay announced that the country's food and fibre sector is on track to achieve record-breaking export figures, with a projected value of $56.9 billion by 30 June 2025. The forecast is expected to reach a new high of $58.3 billion in the following year.
Dairy exports are set to grow by 10% to $25.5 billion, driven by tight global supply and higher prices. Horticulture revenue is projected to reach a record $8.0 billion, with kiwifruit exports exceeding $3 billion for the first time. Forestry export revenue is expected to rebound 4%, recovering from domestic disruptions.
The Government has attributed the sector's success to the hard work and innovation of farmers, growers, fishers, foresters, and processors, as well as strong global demand and healthy prices in key markets. To drive further growth, the Government has implemented regulations to reduce costs for farmers, increase productivity, and secure trade deals.
Minister McClay stated that the primary sector is the backbone of New Zealand's economy and will continue to play a key role in achieving ambitious export targets. The Government's agricultural team is working tirelessly to ensure the primary sector remains well-supported and at the forefront of innovation.
The latest Situation and Outlook for Primary Industries (SOPI) report, available on the Ministry for Primary Industries' website, released today's export forecasts.