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Fire Safety Overhaul Underway

Fire Safety Overhaul Underway

Government takes steps to improve building fire safety.

Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk announced the Government's plans to enhance fire safety in buildings, following a review of the 2023 Loafer's Lodge fire. The assessment resulted in all fire safety recommendations being completed for 37 boardings houses across New Zealand.

As part of this overhaul, the Government has released a discussion document outlining key issues that need addressing to keep pace with changing urban design and modern construction methods. This review aims to ensure that fire safety provisions in the Building Code are cost-effective, meet social expectations for safety standards, and are well-supported by industry.

In addition, a Bill currently before the select committee contains several provisions aimed at improving building fire safety. These include new penalties for negligently certified buildings, clarification on certification requirements, and increased fines for non-compliant building owners.

The Building (Earthquake-prone Building Deadlines and Other Matters) Amendment Bill is part of the Government's efforts to move quickly in ensuring Kiwis and their property are better protected from fires. The public can provide feedback on the fire safety review discussion document at www.mbie.govt.nz/fire-safety-review.