The Green Party warns of climate disaster.
The New Zealand Parliament's fast-track legislation has passed its second reading, prompting fierce criticism from the Green Party. According to Green Party Spokesperson for the Environment, Lan Pham, this flawed legislation threatens the country's environment and international reputation. The bill, in its current form, would push climate targets further out of reach and undermine progress made so far.
The opposition party argues that the lack of environmental protections and scrutiny in the fast-track regime is unacceptable. Despite a majority of submitters opposing the bill, the Government is proceeding with the legislation, which is seen as benefiting a narrow group of business interests at the expense of the environment. The Auditor-General is investigating how ministers handled conflicts of interest in the fast-track regime.
Lan Pham emphasized that any companies exploiting this process could face consequences under a future Green Government. The bill now moves on to its next stage, with ongoing debate and scrutiny expected in the coming weeks.