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Bird Flu Looms Over New Zealand

Bird Flu Looms Over New Zealand

Preparations underway for possible arrival.

New Zealand's Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard has warned residents of the country to be prepared for the potential arrival of bird flu, also known as high pathogenicity avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1. This highly contagious strain of the disease has been spreading globally since 2020 and was recently detected on the Antarctic Peninsula.

The Ministry for Primary Industries and the Department of Conservation are raising awareness among people who keep birds as pets or have backyard poultry, rare breed keepers, and bird fanciers. Minister Hoggard notes that while New Zealand's geographical isolation has protected it from HPAI in the past, this is no longer a guarantee.

Measures being taken to prepare for the possible arrival of bird flu include vaccination trials on endangered birds in captivity by DOC. The public is also being urged to report any sightings of sick or dead wild birds to the exotic pest and disease hotline 0800 80 99 66.

To minimize the risk, Minister Hoggard advises people who own or keep birds to take precautions now, including keeping an eye out for signs of disease and contacting a vet if they notice anything unusual. The public's vigilance is crucial in detecting bird flu early and preventing its spread.

The Ministry and DOC are working together to raise awareness about the risks associated with HPAI H5N1 and how people can contribute to reducing its potential impacts on New Zealand's wildlife and poultry industry.