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Apology Issued for State Care Abuse

Apology Issued for State Care Abuse

The government has issued an historic apology to survivors of abuse in state care.

New Zealand's government today apologized to the 250,000 people affected by abuse in state and faith-based care, recognizing the harm and trauma endured by survivors. According to Green Party Spokesperson Kahurangi Carter, this apology marks a significant milestone that acknowledges years of courage and resilience displayed by survivors who brought their experiences to light despite state efforts to cover up the abuses.

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care provided harrowing testimony from survivors, highlighting how society failed them and what must be changed. The Green Party believes today's apology should be more than a statement; it must be a genuine commitment to change, followed by justice and healing for those affected.

Kahurangi Carter emphasized that those who bore the brunt of abuse were predominantly Māori, Pacific, Disabled, Deaf, experiencing mental distress, Rainbow, or impoverished children. The Green Party commits to working towards a future where every child grows up safe, secure, and free from violence.