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110km/h Speed Limit Introduced in Kāpiti

110km/h Speed Limit Introduced in Kāpiti

New speed limit comes into effect on November 13, 2024.

The Transport Minister, Simeon Brown, has announced that a new 110km/h speed limit will be implemented on the Kāpiti Expressway Road of National Significance (RoNS) from November 13. The decision to bring forward the change by over two weeks was made with the aim of reducing travel times and increasing efficiency.

According to Minister Brown, the new speed limit is part of the Government's plan to improve transportation across New Zealand. The Kāpiti Expressway has been designed and constructed to a high safety standard, with no fatalities occurring since its opening. A consultation process earlier this year saw 93% of submitters support the proposed increase.

The new speed limit will apply to 24.5km of state highway, from north of Raumati interchange to south of Ōtaki northern interchange. This change aims to help Kiwis get where they need to go quickly and safely by reducing travel times and increasing productivity on New Zealand's transport network.